Sunday, May 31, 2009

Once in a lifetime flavors

Alone, Jelly Belly's offer a wide array of luscious flavors. However, my favorite thing about Jelly Bellys is eating at least three (sometimes a small handfull) at one time to experience flavor combinations that you will never again experience in your life (unless you decide to document it, which I fully intend on doing someday). Im pretty sure Ive seen two bean combo suggestions on the packaging at one point, but those suggestions were to give you a flavor you are familiar with that isnt currently the Jelly arsenal (like a 'lemon-lime'). The point of taking several at a time is getting a truly unique flavor that you just cant define or explian. It can be a risky operation because you can easily get a bad combo. To combat this, ill buy Jelly Belly packs with analagus flavors such as the Tropical Mix or the Smoothie Blend . Either way, the beauty with these little bean treats lies within them working together to form a single taste explosion in your mouth.

taken from The one next door's photostream

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Candy creation spotlight: How its Made

One of my favorite channels to watch when I find a place with a TV is the Discovery Science channel. Within that channel lies one of my favorite shows: How its Made. Obviously it shows how things are made but there are a few about candy. Heres a some highlights: